Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Have I bragged lately on how thankful I am that my husband is athletic?? That was one of the many things I loved about him when we started dating.  Even though his baseball career is over, he still stays active playing softball.    
Picture is a little blurry because I was holding a squirmy Trigger while trying to take the picture! :o)
The softball games are fun!  There are many young guys on the team, so there are girlfriends and wives that are around our age.  I love supporting Jacob in the things he loves to do!

Jake plays on two softball teams.  One plays on Monday and Wednesday and the other plays on Tuesday and Thursday.  We are pretty busy with his softball games, but it sure is fun and gives us something to do rather than sitting at home watching movies all the time.  Don't get me wrong...I love relaxing at home, but I also love watching Jake at his softball games too.

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